Professional Water Damage Flood Water Cleanup services throughout INDIO CA. Including Indian Wells, Palm Desert and all Coachella Valley Cities.
If your Home or Business has had Water Damage or Moisture issues, potentially dangerous Mold growth can become a big problem. Mold can begin to grow within 12-24 hours and become visible within 72 hours. If you can see mold growing, the top priority is to remove and safely dispose of it.
There are many questions to be answered:
- What kind of mold is it?
- Is it dangerous?
- Is all mold bad?
- What is the cause?
- What is the most effective way to get rid of my mold problem?
- How can it be prevented?
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While most molds are not a major problem, even benign Mold if given the opportunity, can grow to massive numbers. Large populations of normal environmental Mold can overwhelm even a healthy immune system, so it is important to get rid of active mold growth. The question then becomes “How.”
Mold can produce allergens and irritants and has the potential to cause other health effects. Mold can spread quickly through your Coachella Valley Home or Business in as little as 48 hours. If you suspect that your Home or Business has a Mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property. If Mold is found, we have the training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your Mold infestation. It is important to know how mold grows and how to prevent it. Mold needs a suitable temperature range, organic matter for food and most importantly, moisture. Since indoor environments almost always meet the first two criteria, high moisture levels for an extended period of time are the critical factor.

If moisture is the essential ingredient for mold growth, it seems it would be easy to prevent Mold simply by removing Water and Moisture rapidly. Even in the most obvious scenario such as a Flood, this is not always possible. When all visible water is eliminated, you still must deal with high ambient humidity and any saturated materials.
The other primary causes of Mold infestations are undetected maintenance problems that produce moisture, such as Dripping Pipes or Leaking Air Conditioners.
The planned response should include the services of a mold expert and an experienced restoration contractor who can perform the initial assessment and recommend remediation procedures.